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How to wear the Hipseat Carrier face to face

How to wear the Hipseat Carrier on your back

Care Instructions

Please follow the recommended washing instructions below to ensure your hipseat carrier is kept in its optimum condition: 

It is recommended that you:


  • Remove the foam insert from the hipseat before washing

  • Use gentle detergent only (bleach can cause discolouration of the fabric)

  • Use cold water

  • Hand wash the carrier

  • Do not soak the carrier

  • Dry the carrier under shade (drying under sunlight may cause the colour to fade)

  • Do not tumble dry the product (this can damage and deform the product)

  • Avoid frequent washing - always try to remove mild staining by wiping with a wet towel first


*Note - this product is made with 100% pure cotton and does not contain harmful fixing agents (synthetic chemicals that prevent colour change), as such mild colour fading may occur after washing and drying.  

Safety Standards

I-Angel promises that our products are safe and reliable. Our product has been tested and certified by Intertek, a large global product testing and certification company. I-Angel has passed stringent European and US safety standards: 


  • European Standard EN 13209-2:2005 - comprehensive physical stress and safety tests for soft baby carriers.

  • REACH Regulation (EC) no. 1907/2006 - European Union regulation addressing the production and use of chemical substances.

  • US Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act - US legislation addressing safe levels of chemicals.

European Standard

EN 13209-2:2005

European Union REACH

Regulation (EC) no. 1907/2006

US Consumer Product

Safety Improvement Act


Please thoroughly read the instruction manual before using the carrier. Important points to keep in mind:


  • Always ensure the straps are tightened evenly,  this ensures your baby is secured in a comfortable and safe position.

  • Whenever you are loading or unloading your baby from the carrier, always keep at least one hand on your baby.

  • When wearing the carrier, please refrain from running or bending over more than 45 degrees to prevent bringing harm or serious injury to your baby.

  • Only use the carrier once your baby can hold his/her head up condfidently.

  • Please make sure your baby's face is not being smothered and pressed against you, and that your baby's neck is not bent.

  • Whenever your baby is in the carrier, continually check and monitor the position of your baby. 

  • Before using the carrier, check for damage to the buckles, straps, stitchings, velcro fasteners and zippers. If there are signs of damage, please stop using the carrier immediately.  

  • Whenever you are using the hipseat without the carrier, always hold your baby with your arm.

  • It is recommended that you fully test the carrier before you use it with your baby.


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